Friday, September 21, 2007

Pretty Postage

I really enjoy collecting pretty and colorful or interesting "vintage" postage stamps. But I don't collect them to save them. I use them when sending special cards to people who are special to me.
I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with the fact that I used to be a rural mail carrier, but I do know that I never tired of seeing stamps on mail that were uncommon. I would often see older ones that I had never seen before, and it just made handling the mail a little bit more interesting, if only for a minute!
I must admit that thus far I haven't been able to part with any of my Walt Disney ones - I only have a few, and they are so precious to me!


  1. I always use colorful postage stamps even on my business mail. I love seeing all the new stamps when they come in and using them.

  2. Heidi, I think you may have graced by 30th Birthday card with a "Dinny" stamp! I may be mistaken, but I don't think so--do you remember?

  3. Gee - that was so long ago... Kidding! But no, I don't remember. My memory ain't what it used to be. I do remember what I put on your last card, though - does that count?

  4. Well then, your memory is better than mine (at least short term) because although it was only a few months ago, I don't remember!
