Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mother

Today would have been our Mother's 77th birthday. It almost doesn't seem possible that it has been nearly 11 years since we lost her. We learned so much from her. I don't think I would have ever known as many songs nor as much about music as I do if not for her. She was an artist, a teacher, a 4-H Leader, a Farm Bureau member, and she had an unbelievable thirst for knowledge. I believe I caught the collecting bug from her, as well. We all three became good cooks and bakers because of her, and we all learned how to play piano because of her. We loved her, learned from her, and were aggravated by her. And, of course, we will never, ever forget her. Happy Birthday, Mother, and thank you for everything.


  1. Yes, Happy Birthday to you Mother. We treasure our time we had with you and Daddy. Our childhood has many wonderful memories and the values you instilled in us, in raising us, I passed on to my 2 adult children and they turned out to be wonderful individuals. Thanks again and we miss you both a lot!!! Lorlore

  2. I'm a day late posting this but of course I didn't forget my Mommy's birthday. She was so much fun to have for a Mother when we were little. We had great holiday traditions such as making and decorating Christmas cookies, and our little Easter tins and presents on Easter morning, almost like it was Christmas again. She made great birthday cakes (and later a great birthday strawberry shortcake!) She started us out right, breast feeding me until I was 6 months old, enrolled me in a preschool back when it was very uncommon. She was also secretary of the school board at our grammar school. She was a bird watcher, and I still have her bird book with notes she made on the edges, when she saw which bird,etc. I still use it to this day. She was a native Californian, and was interested in California history, and I definitely inherited that gene! She instilled in me an interest in genealogy and her notes she made regarding our ancestors got me started on our family tree and were very helpful. She was friendly, and pretty and had a great singing voice. I wish she could have met her two great granddaughters and her great grandson, she would be so proud! I was always so happy that she had such a good bond with my son, her grandson Josh. Well, I could go on and on. Happy birthday Mother, you are missed by us all.

  3. Happy birthday, Joyce! And thank you for bringing three wonderful and special daughters into the world. I've been so blessed to know them in my life and count them as very dear friends. Love, Deb
