Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dinette Set

I really like these old chrome-legged dinette sets. We had a yellow set (below -table only) that was a little plainer in style than the one above. I am on the left wearing my yellow and red floral calico dress that I mentioned in my post on Oct.26th of last year.

This great one was in David and Amy Butler's old kitchen, which was featured in Country Living magazine in 1999. I love the floor, too. Mama Brook over at Frisk The Frigidaire found a very similar table the other day. Lucky girl!

And this one, below, is ours. I got it in 1986, and it has served me well all these years. I wanted it because the chairs are red, but the table top is dark gray. You can see that I usually cover it up with a vintage tablecloth! One of our kitty's favorite places to be is on that red Cosco step stool you see next to the table. In fact, he's there right now.

I must admit, however that the table I really want is an enamel topped table with painted base and legs and a red and white design on the top - like some that Luke had in his diner on Gilmore Girls. If I can ever get one, I'd love to use my gray table in the basement as a work table. We will see.


  1. I love these tables and chairs and my Mamaw had a step stool that I spent many a morning perched on watching her make homemade biscuits...thanks for the memories!

    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  2. I just adore 50s-60s tables.
    I actually was thinking about the table Luke had when I found the one I just bought!
    Great Minds!

  3. Thanks for sharing your table and stepstool. We had an aqua table and chairs like that when I was young. I wish we still had it. We had the stepstool too!

  4. Flashback! Calico dresses AND the dining room set. We had a gray one, granny had a red one and my aunt had the yellow. YOURS is fabulous! I spy a set of toadstools in the window sill that are very sweet!!!!!


  5. Beautiful!!! I just got mine recently and Of course I cover it with my vitage tablecloths!!!! I will have to take pictures of mine, Mine is yellow even though i really wanted red!!!

  6. Also saved 10% on beautiful dinette sets.....!
