Friday, July 18, 2008

Do You Have Prince Albert In A Can?

Well- you'd better let him out....
Okay - I am just in a silly mood. I am not advocating tobacco in any form. But I found this ad in a magazine from 1934:
And realized we had this tin that I'd found in a box of old stuff that belonged to my mother-in-law's younger brother. It appears to be the very same one pictured in the advertisement.
Just felt like posting it- I'm a nut for old ads and old stuff!


  1. I love the slogan, "National Joy Smoke"--that just cracks me up!

  2. Heidi, I visit your blog very often and I enjoy it tremendously! I have an award for you if you want to stop by and pick it up. Thanks!!
    Diane @

  3. I have an old pack of "Old Gold Cigarettes" all complete, with even the tax stamp on it. It is very small and has only 4 cigarettes in it. Its slogan is "The treasure of them all". Love T

  4. Diane - Thank you so much. That is really sweet of you. I am sorry I don't know how to do links, and I'm not going to be able to do what is asked. But I really appreciate the kind words about my blog!

  5. No problem! The award will be there for you to claim if you do figure out how to make a link ... D.
