Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Get Yourself To See Get Smart

I did, and I liked it.

No- it's not the original TV series, but it's good. If you loved the series, as I did, I think you will enjoy this as simply what it is - a new movie based on the TV characters that includes enough "tributes" to the original series to make you smile.
I had to make myself go (by myself), because I had a free movie ticket that had been burning a hole in my wallet since March. We got two without even trying by purchasing frozen food that was on sale. I used the first one to go see Sex And The City with my sister, and used the second on the day of expiration to go see this film. I hadn't been to a movie by myself for 13 years, because I don't like to. But I did it! And I'm glad I did.
I still miss Don Adams, though. :( :( :(