Sunday, November 23, 2008

Then And Now #21 Gold Medal Flour

Gold Medal flour, here in an advertisement from 1954:

This ad is from 1960. I see that the label used to say "Betty Crocker's Gold Medal Flour"

And these ads (from 1969) told you that you could find recipes inside the bag for cookies and candy:
And here is the package as it appears today:
I usually buy name-brand products for use in my baking. Can't necessarily explain why - they just feel sort of familiar, somehow. Sometimes they will be on sale for about the same price as the store brands. I like Gold Medal or Pillsbury Flour, and I like C&H Sugar - I'm just funny that way.


  1. I love these advertisements and think I actually have the cookbook found in that next to last pic!

  2. Almost Christmas Cookie making time! I want some chocolate chip brownies, they look really yummy. Love T

  3. I wish I had that little cookbook! Those candies and cookies all look pretty good.
    And T. - In my magazine, someone had already cut out the recipe on that page for those Chocolate Chip Brownies, or I'd give it to you!

  4. One of my favorite little cookbooks is the A to Z Cookbook that Gold Medal Flour offered ... it's a little kids' cookbook, with recipes from A to Z. I got it probably 10 years ago when my daughter was little, and I don't know if they still offer it. It's got some great recipes! (And it's written for kids, so it's really easy!)

  5. I always love your old advertisements. Twyla

  6. Oh, oh,.....the to-die-for-floors. I WANT them!!! Such personality, and ease of cleaning. Such shine and cheer! Okay, I'm sounding like a commercial, but I really really do like them.

  7. I really enjoy your "Before and After" features, Heidi! Gold Medal is one the great brands that has never forgotten its history. Even though ad styles change, the basic look has stayed the same. A very memorable brand!

  8. I love your old ads, Heidi Ann! I remember that '69' pic! Woa!

  9. Hi! my Mom has one of the recipe sheets that came the flour way back in the 60's it had a recipe for Ice cream Cake which is our family favorite. there also was a cookie recipe called Magic puff cookies, the recipe is so old it can't read. I wonder if there is anyway to find it we loved those cookies and it would be great to make them again thanks for any help.
