Saturday, November 1, 2008

Vintage Cosco Stools

I love the vintage stepstools, stools, carts, and highchairs made by Cosco. I have the red stepstool - LOVE it (I'm short). I also have a similar yellow cart, and the smaller pink stool. There's a story behind that one. I saw it when I was shopping with my sister at an antiques street fair in Auburn. I really wanted it, but I just knew my husband would have a fit if I brought it home! I loved it, though- it's the same pink color as our tile and walls in our 1940 bathroom - that has chrome fixtures, as well. Problem was, there was no place for it to sit in the bathroom (hence the presumed fit!). Well, Sis liked it, too - so she said if I wasn't getting it, she would. Um, OK - so home it went with her. A number of years later, I was still pining away for it. When I brought it up, she said - "Take it- consider it an early birthday present!" My husband didn't get mad - and it has a home in the bathtub now. We don't use the tub - and I actually do use the stool sometimes. And I still love it. It belonged in there. (Ad below from 1951)
I found my red stepstool at another antiques street fair, this one in Placerville. I use it all the time. (The ad below is from 1955)
I really thought the TV Guide cover for the week starting Sept. 29th was cute! It featured the lovely cast of ABC's Desperate Housewives - and Eva Longoria Parker is sitting on one of the Cosco stools! I'm virtually positive it's a vintage one - just like my pink one. Cute!
And I like this taller stool that Teri Hatcher is sitting on, too. Not positive whether this is a Cosco - looks like a newer version, maybe a different company? I really enjoyed this special fold-out cover and the additional photos inside. I thought the whole layout by Andrew Eccles for TV Guide was very cleverly styled and shot.
Anytime somebody uses vintage props, it's going to catch my eye!
Cute shoes, too.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Step stools, I only have 2, and of course one is vintage that stays in my pantry so I can reach the top shelf. I'm only 5 ft. tall and I can't reach anything. I need to buy more, one for each floor of the house. Your blog is so cute, I will read on.


  2. Thanks for stopping by, Connie! Same here: Five feet tall - thank goodness for those step stools, huh?

  3. These step stools are great! 5"2" over here, love a good stepstool!

  4. I love these images! And step stools, what would I do without them, 5"3" on tiptoes with a stiletto on!

  5. I love my red stool, although it has lots of paint splotches on it now. It sits against a yellow wall and the red just pops!

  6. My step stool is old but wooden, with the drop down steps. It is painted many times, the last time a sky blue. I love it, it was given to me by a dear neighbor who has passed away. I am almost 5'7" but I still need a step stool too! Love T

  7. I have one that is not castoc but looks just like it, it was free in the trash and it was yellow and I painted it red, it was an all metal one and NOT vinyl covered

    BUt recently at a sale I got RED HIGHCHAIR !! for $2!!!! I am going to recover it in some vintage rec cracked ice vinyl I have and repaint the scratched part!

  8. Stool experts please contact me
    I want to restore a stool which I believe is a vintatge Cosco Stoll, but have not seen pictures of it and not sure the age and original color.
    Thanks, David

  9. Great step stool story!! I have one here I am ready to repaint in areas-- great thing is you can take apart and refurb-- mine was pale yellow-- sporting a rusted ook--lol-- found during curbsiding treasure hunting!!
