Saturday, January 31, 2009

(Some Of ) My Deer Lamps

The latest installment of my ongoing saga of The Deer Obsession - thought I'd show you some of my lamps. I got this one on eBay, and found the perfect lovely shade for it in Sutter Creek:
Next: this is one of a pair of bedside lamps - also eBay:
See how this one is the reverse on the colors?
I am rather fond of this chartreuse leaping deer, who is kind enough to hold some jewelry on my dresser:
And this is another favorite - I also found this PERFECT shade in Sutter Creek - not at the same time as the other one I mentioned above:
The last one for today - a TV lamp that sits on a table to light up our foyer in the evening:
and that is not all of them. I have others. Perhaps another day....


  1. i like the leaping deer and also the tv lamp. the one that holds your jewelry is pretty incredible also! that is one thing (probably lots more) that i did not realize you had such a fondness for. oh - by the by - i will most likely mail your pkg next week! plyglr f

  2. You just keep giving me more and more ideas for what to look for when I go to flea markets! Twyla

  3. What interesting lamps! I have never seen any of those before. The shades are great - I'll have to look for some the next time I'm in sutter creek.

  4. Fantastic

    The shade on the first lamp shown is just Spectacular!! I love your TV lamp, too...


  5. Heidi,
    I'm loving your lamps! You always have such wonderful posts.

    Deanna :)

  6. How cute! I love the little green deer. Very sweet.

  7. Wow, I've never seen such cute lamps! Love browsing through your vintage have some great treasures.

  8. I absolutely love these vintage lamps and I love the use of the doily on the shade!
    I will return here and on my own blog soon!

  9. Can you tell me anything more about the leaping deer lamp. I have one and have been trying to find out more about it. Thanks.

  10. Anonymous - I'm sorry, I really don't know anything about them. Some of mine may or may not have been made by the Lane company - you could try an online search about them, or an eBay search. Someone who has an eBay listing may have information in their listing that would help you. All I know is that I love the way they look!
