Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vintage Wooden Hangers

Yes, it's another one of my collections. I am rather fond of vintage wooden coat hangers - particularly those with advertising printed on them. I will buy them whenever I find them, as long as they are reasonably priced. Nearly all of them I have are from the northern California area. I really like the Golden State one::
And John J. Fink, from Lodi:
Virginia was my Grandmother's name - had to have those!
I also like the crocheted covers on these , and I'll take a pretty painted one with a floral decal, too!
I'm always on the lookout for more of these - I simply like using them much more than plain old new hangers!

I'm just a vintage kind of gal.


  1. I love these old hangers, too. The good old days sure had some fun and very unique things - that of which we will never have again.

    You always have such wonderful collections and great informative posts. I always learn something when I stop by.

    Happy New Year, Heidi Ann!


  2. Those are all great hangers. I have a few wooden ones. I would love to have more. You don't see them as often at garage sales any longer. The painted decal one is my favorite. I love things with Virginia on them also. I think that is why I love Virginia Creeper so much. That, plus the fact it doesn't mess up the sides of your house as much as some other climbers. Love T

  3. So very pretty. Please tell me you hang clothes on them! Otherwise, I will believe you live in a mansion, with multiple rooms whose sole purpose is to display all of your beautiful collections.

  4. Oh, yes, Maureen! I use them all. In fact - it was a pain in the rear to get them all out to do this post!

  5. I was hoping and half expecting you would say that! :-)

  6. Wow - I've never even heard of these! How neat!

  7. Heidi Ann,

    Loving these BIG time!


  8. Hi, Heidi! I would love to paint some wooden hangers! Come see me!

    ~ Hearts ~

  9. Hi Heidi... I'm a first-time visitor and I'm already in love with your beautiful blog! Looks like we have similar "likes" ... I've enjoyed going through some of your posts and seeing your awesome Vintage Post Cards and Angels... ALL just simply breathtaking! Thanks so much for sharing... I'm adding you to my Favorites list and am looking forward to returning many times... Take special care... and stop by to see me anytime, please! God bless...

    ~hugs 'n prayers~


  10. It's uncanny how much alike we are! I thought I was the only 'odd' one who loved these hangers! Twyla

  11. Funny, I don't see those around here very often.

  12. Oh my !! Yes I love vintage hangers too!
    these are all quite wonderful!
