Wednesday, September 2, 2009

California State Fair

I went to the fair with my sister. I love to see it all. From flowers..

to piglets....
the rides:

the marquees:
the colors:
the gardens:
We didn't get a "Sno-cone" - but we did have a yummy frozen lemonade:
and, as if all of that wasn't enough, we were treated to this beautiful sunset on the way home!
I had so many "favorite things" at the fair that I decided they needed their own posts!

More coming up!


  1. I could of watched those piglets allllll day!! They were soooo cute!! I also loved the exhibits, but not the heat!!!! It was fun!!

  2. Great shots. Lovely Sunset. Cali sunsets are the best.

  3. i love that frozen lemonade. beautiful evening skies....sounds like a good time was had by all. caifornia does have a great state fair.

  4. That makes me want to go. I haven't been to the Texas State Fair in...oh my...years and years. This may be the year for it. Your pictures were inspiring!

  5. That looks totally fun!

    I wonder what the main differences are, if any, between a state fair and a county fair? Me and my family just went to the Orange County fair about a month ago, and we had a good time! We visited with farm animals, ate bad fair-food, looked at funky exhibits and even rode a few carnival rides. My favorite thing about fairs/carnivals is how they look at night, all lit up in colorful splendor!

  6. The swing ride is beautiful! I would have ridden that! I love the fair. Your state fair looks a lot grander than ours. Glad you had a nice time! Twyla

  7. Nice photos Heidi Ann. Sorry I was a party pooper. Can't take the heat or all the walking anymore, unfortunately. Love T

  8. Oh how I miss the California State Fair!!! The one in Oregon is pretty decent, but it doesn't even come close! I haven't been to the State Fairs in Washington (there are two, the Western Washington State Fair, and the Central Washington State Fair). Maybe I'll come down sometime and go with you again, Heidi!
