Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Mad Tea Party

The Mad Tea Party at Disneyland is fun! At least, it is if you like spinning yourself around while seated inside a giant teacup, and I do. It happens to be one of the attractions that has been there since opening day, although it has been moved and perhaps tweaked just a bit over the years.
It looks like Daddy and Tina are enjoying, it (don't you think?) in this picture that was taken in 1955:And I am certain Walt Disney, himself, enjoyed it, as well. This picture was found in a 1957 issue of Holiday magazine. ( the cup at left looks like the one Tina and Daddy were in!):
Concept art that I discovered in an article in McCall's from 1955 shows an idea of how the attraction was planned:
It didn't turn out to look quite the same, as you can see in the next two pictures. These are both from vintage Disneyland souvenir postcard booklets::

The one at Walt Disney World is different, too. It is topped with a tent-like cover. We took the picture at the top (below) in 1994. The Mad Tea Party attraction at WDW opened on October 1st, 1971. The picture on the bottom is from my Whitman Disneyland book, circa 1964:
I'm planning a trip to Disneyland within the next couple of months, and you can bet that I will be spending some time in one of those teacups while I'm there!


  1. I was a very lucky little girl to get to go to Disneyland with my parents just after it opened. I just wish I could remember it. The memory is all blended in with the other times I went when I was little. I especially remember one time I DIDN'T go, when Heidi was born there were two couples "fighting" over who would get to take care of me while our folks were busy with the baby (Lori, also a baby, was farmed out to another). One couple offered to take me to the beach, and one said they would take me to Disneyland: guess which I picked? However, we didn't go to Disneyland afterall! Ah, I learned not to believe in promises and suffered deep disappointment at an early age...

  2. oh i love the idea of that ride but i can never go on anything that spins around so it is one i have never been on. more info about that walt disney museum-if i remember correctly it is at the presidio in san francisco. the family found that the newer generations did not think walt disney was a real person. lots of home movies with walt in it and all sorts of good personal information about walt himself.
    heidi-i have not forgotten my promise about the disneyland booklet that i got when we went in 1957(?) if i can ever get back into what is now my brothers cottage and get to the box where i stashed that and all the alaska memorabilia (we went there before it was a state-my uncle was in the AF & stationed at Anchorage)-its yours!!! i am sorry to say i did doodle in circles on the front of it.

  3. You are sweet, Faith - and of course I would love to have your vintage brochure.
    I do know about the Disney museum - I'm just not sure when I will ever make it to San Francisco to see it!
    I don't get out much.....

  4. GREAT post, Heidi!

    You know that I, too, am a real Disneyland lover! And even though I was just there for my birthday in August, I already want to go back!

    Did you know that they're doing something new at the park this year, for Halloween? It's a ride transformation of Space Mountain, similar to how they've done the 'Nightmare Before Christmas' themed Haunted Mansion for the last several years. Only, I'm pretty sure that this one is just for Halloween. Anyway, it's called Ghost Galaxy, and they've done all sorts of new things with lighting, ghost projections and spooky sounds! I soooo want to go! But I don't think I can convince Tommy to spend the Disney Dollars it would take, especially when we were just there... :(

  5. Oh, Anthony, I can totally relate! Each and every time I am able to go to Disneyland, I consider myself a very lucky girl, indeed.
    Glad you enjoyed the post - I had a feeling you might!

  6. P.S. -
    Btw, loved your last shot of the Walt Disney World covered-version of the Mad Tea Party! That BIG teapot with the drunken (on treacle, according to the story) Dormouse popping out the top is wonderful! Wish I could see it in person... Someday, maybe. :)

  7. I remember being so mad at my little brother, he was 4 yrs. old at the time, I was 8, and he would not let me spin the tea cup! What kind of fun is that? He is gone now and I would gladly ride with him without the spin.

  8. Hi Heidi Ann! I love your blog, just found it so I have lots of catching up to do. Quick question, what issue of McCalls did that concept art come from? I do a weekly series on my blog called "Magazine Mondays" featuring vintage magazines with Disneyland articles and I've never seen that one! Thanks - Tim (VintageDisneylandTickets@gmail.com)
