Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tickled Pink!!

I hope you will forgive me, but I just couldn't stand it! I wanted to show you something special we got last week! See!?:
A little mini laptop in PINK!

I really am tickled, and now, if my husband and I both want to surf the internet at the same time, we can! Yippee!


  1. SOOO cool!! See you on the 'net!!!!

  2. Wow, and here I am still in the stone age with dial up. It's really cute. Love T

  3. Very nice you lucky girl!

    Tina Dawn, I am also in the dial up stone age. I hope my town gets high speed soon.

  4. Ooh, I love it! Everything is cuter when it's PINK!

  5. all i have is a lap top-i got service through the cable company here-& phone service too. (we don't use cable for tv-we use directv). i tried dial up for all of one hour and stopped that immediately. so i am sorry for those of you with it-heres hoping all you with dial up can up grade soon. congrats on your lap top heidi! oh-did you CBS sunday morning this am? great story on walt disney and his family opening up the disney museum in san francisco. i bet i know someone who is going to san francisco...........

  6. Coool.. and you might want to get yourself a pink laptop bag too ;-)

  7. Oh boy, a Disney museum in SF? I see a Gold Country Girl field trip in the near future... I am going to get satellite, it is the only thing available out here in our part of the divide for computers. I just wish it didn't cost so much.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh How Cute!!! Lucky you! And pink too! Twyla
