Friday, November 27, 2009

A Disneyland Holiday

Disneyland is so beautiful all decorated for the holidays! The lights on It's A Small World - so colorful!
There are trees and other decorations in every nook and cranny throughout the parks. The tree pictured here with Lori was inside the Coca Cola Refreshment Corner on Main Street:
Space Mountain is my favorite attraction, hands down!
And for the very first time, I was brave enough to go on California Screamin'!! Yep - loved it!
I even had to get myself a T-shirt to commemorate the occasion! (And that's a Tinker Bell pin I purchased, as well):
You know how much I love Tink! Had to snap this picture of the Christmas ornaments:
Lori and I both liked this Tinker Bell shirt she has on in the photo below so much that we each bought one!
This is the tree on Main Street by day:
And at night:
A snow-covered Sleeping Beauty Castle for the holidays; here's how it looks in the daylight hours :
Oh, and the "Believe In Holiday Magic" fireworks show truly was spectacular; we watched in awe:
And here is the way the castle looks after the show. Stunningly gorgeous:
I think Lori may have gotten some much better shots than I have shown you. (She may be persuaded to do another post with more pictures from the parks. Keep your fingers crossed.) But that's it from me for now:

We had a great time, but unfortunately our trip was marked by tragedy. Shortly after we got into the park on the first afternoon, our friend Debbie received a phone call that her daughter's beloved fiance had been injured in an accident in San Francisco. Another dreaded call came later - he had not survived his injuries. We managed to get her to LAX for a flight so that she could go and be with her family. We missed you so much, Deb, and our hearts are filled with love and sympathy for you all.


  1. I am also broken hearted about Debbie's son-in-law's passing. I call him that because he almost was and I think that is how I will remember him. Your photos are beautiful but I can't wait to see Lori's also so I hope she does a post. Gosh, it made me so jealous even though I knew two months ago I couldn't go. Mean, mean cardiologist! I just hope that you will be up to another trip when my heart is better and can take those WAY exciting rides again. Love T

  2. Well - I am ALWAYS up for another trip to Disneyland, but I don't know that my pocketbook will be up for it.

  3. I was hoping you would post about your trip. That photo of the castle at night made me tear up. I hope Tina does write a post with her photos. You can never have enough Disney.
    The tears over the castle picture soon enough seemed ... well... stupid once I continued to read about your friends Debbie's tragedy. I am so sorry, I will keep her daughter and their family in my prayers.

  4. was so glad to hear about your lastest disney trek and to see the photos. i am sure all your followers are sending their thoughts & prayers to debbie & her family. i hope lori posts her photos/stories of lasted disney trip too!

  5. Your visit looks awesome. I am just so very very sorry to hear of the tagedy. I will keep the family in my prayers. Twyla

  6. As if Disneyland isn't magical enough the rest of the year... Christmastime is by far the BEST season to visit the park!

    Your photos are great, Heidi! Looks like maybe they're doing something new with the castle, this year? I don't recall the snow, or at least, not that much of it.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend Debbie's son-in-law (that was to be). I can't even imagine how painful the loss must be, especially for her daughter.
