Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Favorite Things

Well, I truly hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas! We surely did. One of my/our favorite things was our time spent with family, including our three adorable grandsons.
And we drove over the river and through the woods to the home of my nephew and his lovely girlfriend for our Christmas day dinner:

Stephen, our host, who was also the birthday boy on the 25th, received "The Beatles: Rock Band" from his mom Lori - and oh, we had a blast with that!
I haven't ever done anything like that before, and I never wanted to stop singing! But I did give somebody else a turn occasionally - like when I took these pictures! It was the most fun EVER. And we also played a game called Catch Phrase, which was a real kick, as well.

Take a look at their backyard lemon tree! We ARE in California, after all! I sense a lemon meringue pie in my future:
Favorite things in the gift category? My calendars:
Wonderful books and a gorgeous floral magazine holder:
Oh, yeah, and some fuel for my chocolate addiction. What's that you say? Diet? What diet? I am sure I have no idea what you're talking about....
I'll take my cue from Scarlett and think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day!
Right now I am just going to enjoy the glow of the tree, and curl up with a blanket and a good book.
And maybe some hot chocolate.


  1. Oh, we sure had fun! Heidi mostly had 99% scores on her beautiful singing for the Beatles!! Loving just getting together with Family and enjoying the day!! Oh, and the wonderful meal, of course!!

  2. That's alot of chocolate girlfriend. We may need to make a chocolate fondue with homemade marshmallows to go with chocolate martinis.

  3. i have never done anything like that heidi - you go girl! everything looks beautiful and how lucky you are to have family to enjoy the day with. looks like you hit the jackpot on presents (er chocolate)! you deserve it all!!!

  4. It was a very nice Christmas. Great dinner and company and music and fun. Love T

  5. Oh, forgot to add that I actually got a 92 and 96 percent on my singing too. LOL

  6. We totally love our Beatles Rock Band! We even got a second guitar! And may I brag and tell you that I got 100% on vocals on the Expert Level for "Here Comes The Sun"???? Oh yeah!!!~~~XXOO, Beth

  7. Who said anything about diets? Dieting is not allowed at Christmas time. I am so glad you had so much fun. I am going to have to get that Beatles rock band game. It looks like a blast and we are huge Beatles fans, Lindsey and I. Twyla

  8. What fun! Now I want to go buy Beatles Rock Band! We played Catch Phrase at my sisters during Christmas, too - it was really really fun! And, I am soooo glad I got to see my Heidi Ho - even if it was for such a short visit, I enjoyed every minute!
