Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shiny Brite Cluster Trees

I LOVE these trees! I only discovered them a few years ago, and thus far I have only managed to find two:

They are among my VERY favorite vintage Decorations:
The box looks like this:
I swear I'm a crazy person. I simply do not feel that two of these are enough.
What is wrong with me??


  1. Two is not enough! If you are anything like me than when you get two wonderful things you have to find a third because 3 makes a collection. ;-)

    Those trees are great... I have never seen them before. Thanks.

  2. These are great. You collect as many as you want, no one is going to complain (except maybe your DH)I would love to make one out of my glow-in-the-dark ornaments. Of course, this year I will be lucky just to get my tree up. It is hard when you aren't supposed to lift anything or raise your arms. But, as they say, Christmas will come whether I am ready for it or not, AND Jesus is the reason for the season, and I don't think He cares if I have any decorations, vintage or otherwise. Love T

  3. i agree jennifer and tina dawn - 2 is not enough. i love shiny brite and i have never seen these trees! LOVE them. i was already jealous of your boxes of shiny brites and now these? lucky lucky girl!

  4. I just read this post about Shiny Brites and thought you might like it.

  5. Those are lovely trees! And I think you really need a whole forest of them ;) I love Shiny Brite ornaments, but have never seen an ornament tree before - thank you for sharing and have fun hunting for more!

  6. You love beauty!! Can't get enough of it!! It feeds your soul. It's like heaven on earth. No need to stop. Love your blogs!
    Hope this answers your ??
