Monday, January 11, 2010

A Shower For Baby Addison

Yesterday we attended a baby shower for Lori's daughter Amber. Lori had found some sweet little things at dollar stores that she contributed to the decorations:

And she has been lucky enough to find SO many adorable clothes for the baby at thrift stores - they all look brand new!

She had the cutest idea to use them all to adorn the party, by hanging them from a clothesline all around the room:
The color scheme for baby Addison's nursery - pink and chocolate! Yummy.
Sorry this shot is a little dark - you get the idea - so sweet:

Sweet, you say? Oh, yeah - and so were these pretty little cupcakes!

I wrapped one of her gifts using some vintage teddy bear ribbon I found at a thrift shop, and I photocopied some of my stash of vintage baby cards to make an envelope for the card:

And, let me tell you I am not sure I have EVER attended a party like this where, quite literally, the honoree was SHOWERED with SO many adorable and useful gifts from her generous family and friends! Wow - I'm so sorry I didn't think to get a picture of the bounty of gifts she received, after they had all been opened.
Aunt Tina wasn't feeling well and was unable to attend - we missed her!
Lori, Amber, and me, below:

What a special day!
(Posted by Heidi - on Lori's computer - sorry for the confusion!)


  1. looked so nice!!!! really very special. sorry to hear tina isn't feeling well : ( how great of you all to make moma & addison feel so special!

  2. Great decorations and eats. The gifts look so pretty. I am glad Amber got lots of goodies for Addison. Love T

  3. What a genius idea for the envelope Heidi!

    Gorgeous shower. I love the chlothesline idea. Clever girls you are.

    Tina, I hope you feel better soon.
