Sunday, February 21, 2010

Volkswagen Ads

I love Volkswagens. My first car was a 1967 Bug. We grew up with them- and one of these days I will get my post together about our family's history with VW's. But today, I'm just sharing a few vintage advertisements. From 1959:


I also enjoyed their TV commercials. Dustin Hoffman was in one of them!
And it isn't only the Beetles I liked. Here is a squareback sedan:

They called this the Deluxe VW Station Wagon and with the sun roof the price was $2740. I'll take one. From 1961:

And who can forget the movie star?

Oh, yes, I will be writing about them again.

To be continued....


  1. Oh yeah, VW's are in Gold Country Girls history all right!! I'll have a few stories to tell!!

  2. They are in our history, our blood, our children's (at least mine) blood. Who would have thought it when Daddy bought his first one to restore? So the saga of the Gold Country Girls and VW begins... You, Lori and I can all write several and it wouldn't even begin to touch on it all! I get dibs on Karmann Ghias. Can't wait. Love T

  3. I love the ad with the bus. You sure don't see too many men in suits driving them today. Is that Grandma with pearl eatings sitting in the very back? Maybe Johnny is pointing back at Gramps. Did they forget him? Can't wait to hear about all your vw's. Wish I had more pictures of the ones I've had through the years.

  4. I was looking up vintage postcards of the BIG ORANGE juice rest stops of the 50's and one of the sites that came up was yours. I saw "gold country girls" and had to check it out. So glad I found your site. I'm a "foothillbilly" too. I live outside of Jackson.
    I also had a bug. It was a brand new 1965 VW bug with a stick shift. I was working in Berkeley and I had to learn to use that shift on all those hills around the University.Talk about scary. I learned fast. I loved that car.
    I will follow your blog....

  5. never had a bug but love them! i also will take a bus please and thank you. movie star ad is so great. i also loved the white 'rabbit' vw. i wish they still made them (i am not counting the ones made in mexico) and i like the original over the new ones they have come out with.

  6. I read somewhere the Bug actually "auditioned" for the role of Herbie. Several different vehicles were done up as they would look in the movie and parked in front of the commissary (cafeteria) at the Disney studios. The VW got the part because so many people coming and going responded to it more than the others--going up to it, patting it, even talking to it.

    In other words, it had charisma

  7. I love the add that says "if you run out of gas it's easy to push". I know this to be a fact, we had one and I was always forgetting to stop by the pump for a fill up (sometimes I actually just keep putting it off till the last minute) so I know all about pushing them. I even pushed one while 5 months pregnant. And yes :o) the baby was fine.
