Sunday, May 23, 2010

Colorful Zippers From Coats And Clark's

Just for fun today - these advertisements from Coats and Clark's were just so colorful that I felt like sharing them.
Zesty Orange:

Olive Green:

Sunny Yellow:

And bright blue:

Have a Zippity Doo Dah Day!


  1. Those ads bring back fun memories of sewing my own clothes when I was in junior high and high school.

  2. spent lots of time in fabric stores with mom when i was a kid. she was a fantastic seamstress (even though she hated it) - i was not very good although i had a few excellent results and lots of poor ones.

  3. Those ads are great! From an old magazine?

  4. What cool ads!! I love the blue one! I love looking at the ads wishing that the fashions were still that sophisticated style!
    Have a lovely day, Lindsey

  5. Lovely colors and ladies. Zippity Doo Dah indeed. Love T

  6. Ah! The 60's. Color ruled supreme..., and zippers to match everything.
    Love the old ads...
