Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer Fun: Sunglasses From The Past (And The Giveaway Winner)

First order of business today: The winner of our 1000th post giveaway is Carol from Old Glory Cottage! Everybody's chances were VERY good - but hers was the name I pulled out of the dish. Congratulations, Carol! And a big thank you to those of you who entered.
And now, on to today's post!
We'll start with two advertisements from Cool-Ray, both 1947:

This next one is from 1960. I'm not going to say one word:

An ad from Riviera, circa 1969:
Cool-Ray again, from Polaroid (1970).
"The Sexy Shades"
Looks like the same blonde again on the left, but the brunette beauty below is - you guessed it! - Colleen Corby:

"The glare-killers are man-killers now."
Right. Sure they are.
And one more - this Riviera ad from 1974:

Yes - that was fashion in '74.
I like the ones from 1947 the best - how about you?


  1. Congratulations to Carol! And I agree with you, I like the 1947 styles the best. In fact, the top ad, bottom glasses look almost exactly like my prescription sunglasses I have only had about a year. Seems like styles always come back around, even in sunglasses. Very interesting post. Love T

  2. Congratulations to Carol! I remember when glasses were so big. I like the '47 ones and the '74 ones. Twyla
