Saturday, September 18, 2010

For Joan

(Photo from Country Living magazine, September 1992.)
Around this time of year, I always like to do a post about a place that is dear to my heart, Apple Hill above Placerville in Camino, California. We always love to go up there and enjoy the apple ranches, buy some apples, and perhaps a pie or pastry. It's such a nice fall outing!

Today's Apple Hill post has a sad twist, though, I'm sorry to say.
I first met Joan Barsotti - of Barsotti's Juice Company, which is located in Apple Hill - at the California State Fair when Lori and I were there a year ago. She was there as part of the "California's Authors" Event, and she just happened to be on hand that particular day to discuss and sell/sign copies of her delightful books.

I knew that she had met Tina through The Shakespeare Club in Placerville, and I wanted to say hello, so I introduced myself to her and we spoke briefly. She couldn't have been nicer, nor more engaging. I liked her immediately.
Just a little over a month ago, I was so delighted to be able to attend the annual potluck picnic/barbecue for The Shakespeare Club, which was hosted by the Barsotti's at their home. It was a delightful evening, we had perfect weather, delicious food, and a wonderful time. When it was time to leave, Tina and I had walked down to where her car was parked, and I realized that I had not said goodbye to Joan. I walked back up to the house to find her in the kitchen, so that I could thank her for hosting such a lovely party at their beautiful home, and to say goodbye. I fully expected that I would have the pleasure of seeing her again in the future. I could not have known that, just fifteen days later, she would pass away unexpectedly. Although I did not know her well, I liked her SO much! I could tell that she was a truly wonderful lady.
If you click on my link to visit Raley's website, you will find her recipe for Hot Spiced Cider.
Perhaps you will want to try her recipe, and if you do, have a cup for me, and think of her.

She deserves to be remembered.
I am merely one among a good many people who will miss this lady's smile.
(P.S. Click here to go read a truly touching memorial written by her children.)


  1. what a lovely post. i was shocked when i heard that joan barsotti had passed away; she is such an icon of these foothills. thank you for posting about her.

  2. thank you for sharing the link that was written by her children. she will live on and on judging the wonderful way they were able to 'share' so much in so little of space about a woman that lived and loved in such a fine way. i also loved hearing what you had to say heidi - how nice that you went back in - many would not - and thanked her for the evening. her family was lucky to have her and i am saddened by their loss.

  3. I am so glad that I was able to take you to the picnic that evening as my guest. Who would have known it was the last picnic at their lovely home? Joan was a cherished lifetime member of the Placerville Shakespeare Club and we will miss her very much. I will treasure even more my signed copy of Grandma's Bell and the Wagon Train. Love T
