Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chicken Diablo ...Thanks, Tina!!

When I was at Tina's last summer, she served me what may very well have been THE best leftovers I have EVER had. It was called Chicken Diablo, and I LOVED it. I e-mailed her and asked her to send me the recipe after I got back home. And I made it, and, let me just tell you this: when it was all gone, we were very sorry. Definitely a keeper - and here is the recipe, as she e-mailed it to me:
The funny thing is, about a week or two later, I was sorting through a big stack of magazine pages I had torn out - and lo and behold, what do you suppose I found!? It's from 1996! Chicken Diablo, which originally called for a can of Healthy Choice Recipe Creations Soup. Gee - I guess when I saw it in the magazine, I thought it sounded good, right? Too funny. Here's the page I saved:

Well, it IS good - so thank you again, Tina - and thank you Healthy Choice. (I don't believe Healthy Choice makes the condensed soups any longer. I used Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, fresh mushrooms, green salsa, no cilantro, no olives, and TWO cans of artichoke hearts, because I'm an artichoke freak.)


  1. I don't think we will have to worry about losing the recipe again, now! We have it here and also in my club's cookbook published in Sept. I have decided I like making it best with chicken tenders, medium heat green salsa, black olives, cream of mushroom soup, and yes, lots of artichoke hearts. Glad you enjoyed the leftovers. LOL. Love T

  2. like the sounds of it except for the cream of mushroom soup. john suffers from heart disease & high blood pressure so i will need to find something else to take its place. oh tina - i made spagetti & meatballs yesterday. i love the sauce on the 2nd day. getting to the point where i think i will double or triple the sauce recipe so i will have sauce to freeze.
