Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raggedy Ann and Andy 1972, Raggedy Tina and Josh 1971

I think I have told you before how I made my maternity smocks out of the prettiest fabric I could find. Well, after I had my baby, I made simple tops with simple cotton prints. They were just like the maternity tops, only shorter and smaller. Gathered at the neck and short sleeves.
Here is one of the tops, in this photo of Josh and me at the side of the road on Highway 50 in 1971, on a trip to Tahoe. I think we are across from what used to be called Sierra Ski Ranch, and is now Sierra-at-Tahoe. I had another top just like it in a red calico. This one is a lovely dark blue, and had little orange flowers with green leaves. (By the way, Josh's little corduroy overalls were thrifted, and were just the cutest things you ever saw. I have a three month old baby picture of him in them. There is a little embroidered animal on the front - lamb? lion? I forget.)

Almost 40 years later, I found the pattern below at a garage sale. I have been thinking about making a Raggedy Ann and Andy doll set one of these days, so I scooped it up. Later as I looked at it closer, I noticed something about Raggedy Ann's dress.
It is the same fabric as my top! This pattern is from McCalls, 1972. I made my top in the summer of 1971. I still have some of the fabric from my top, I later cut my inexpensive tops I had made into fabric squares, about 4" X 4", and made patchwork pillows. I still have the pillows, but the foam rubber stuffing I had used turned old and dried out. I would show you the patchwork, but they are packed away right now, awaiting renewal with new stuffing or to be sewn into a quilt, or???
I would love to find another yard or so of this vintage fabric to make my Raggedy Ann. I am keeping my eyes peeled. ;-)


  1. That's amazing! The same fabric on the pattern envelope as your top. What are the odds?
    It's a very pretty fabric. Wish I had some to send you. But I will keep an eye out when I'm going though rolls of vintage fabric in the thrift stores. You just never know. If it showed up on Raggedy Ann it could be other places too.
    Love the photo of you and your son. It's so 60's-70's adorable.

  2. great photo and love his cordoroy overalls. good luck on the fabric hunt. i love raggedy ann and andy.

  3. That is so cool - I LOVE it when I find something like that, where you see something like you used to have, etc. Love that picture of you two. I so totally remember Josh when he looked like that! So cute!

  4. Wow! Were you ever cute!
