Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tina's Nasturtium Collection #2: Nasturtium Stamps for Stamping and Scrapbooking

Good morning. Tina here. I am going to show you my Nasturtium Stamp collection. They are all wooden except for two, one metal and one just rubber with no backing to it. I am not a stamper or a scrapbooker, but I have used them a bit. I used the first stamp I am showing you, the nasturtium flower fairy, to stamp onto tissue paper, colored it in, and put it on a candle. Unfortunately, over time, the ink I colored it in with faded. But it was pretty while it lasted. If I were a more accomplished stamper, like my crafty sister Lori, I would use these stamps more. Maybe someday. But for now they are mainly just part of my "extensive" (as they say) nasturtium collection.
This is my favorite stamp. I love the little Nasturtium Fairy, and orange is my favorite color.

Approximately Three & 3/4 by Three & 3/4. 3101-JJ The Nasturtium Fairy. Flower Fairies (Trademark) Copyright Estate CMB 1994. CE Inca Stamp. BH15 3AH. UK.
One inch by three 1/4 inches. This stamp is just the rubber stamp piece with a piece of paper attached on the top showing the stamped image.
Two by One & 1/4 inches. Copyright 1994, Hero Arts Rubber Stamps, Inc., Emeryville CA 94608.
Two by Two & 1/2 inches. F 1473. The Cottage Stamper, Inc.
Two by Two inches. Copyright 1996. Hero Arts Rubber Stamps, Inc. Handcrafted in Emeryville, CA 94608. USA
No. 442H Nasturtiums. Copyright 2001 Penny Black, Inc. Berkeley, CA
Four & 3/4 by Two & 1/4 inches. Rubber Stampede, Berkeley CA 94701, Made in the USA CE.
This botanical stamp is the largest of my collection at four & 3/4 by three & 3/4 inches. Two of them sold recently on ebay at $77 for the first one sold and in the $60 range for the second one sold! This has the markings K-2253, Santa Rosa, CA Made in USA Copyright 1997 PSX.
This stamp is numbered 274J, Hummingbird & Nasturtium. Copyrighted 1995 Penny Black, Berkeley, CA 94701. Three & 3/4 inches by Three & 1/4 inches.
Copyrighted PSX Petaluma, CA E-226. One & 1/2 inches by two & 3/4 inches.
Stamp Cabana PNF 17-6R Nasturtium. 1-800-Y-U-STAMP
This is a metal stamp on a wood block, and has been used a lot, the wood is stained from ink. I think it is a printer's stamp.
Well, that is it, only twelve nasturtium stamps. I am always on the lookout for more.


  1. Wow - that's quite a collection of stamps! And all are beautiful.

  2. That is quite a collection! They are all really pretty. Thanks for sharing!

    Deanna :D

  3. i really like them - the fairy one is a fave, as are the seed packets. nice collection!
