Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Rainy Day Dinner

As it turned out, I picked the perfect day last week to try out a new slow-cooker recipe.
On a cold, wet day, it makes the house smell so great when something is "stewing" in the kitchen. Last Thursday, the weather could NOT seem to make up it's mind!
I turned the slow cooker on at 10:30 am, and while it simmered along, the weather truly ran the gamut all throughout the day. We had rain when we got up in the morning, which later turned to spitting snow, then hail. Then the sun came out for awhile, then rain again, hail, a fair amount of snow, more hail, and finally back to rain.
This is how the Chicken Cacciatore looked by 5 pm:
I added a little parmesan cheese and served it over whole wheat penne:
The recipe was from one of my Weight Watchers Weekly booklets, if you are at all interested:

We liked it, but it definitely needed salt. I will add some Italian seasoning if I make it again, and I did add more vegetables than the recipe called for.
A nice warm savory dish to end a cold weird weather day!


  1. Looks great! I love my slow cooker!

  2. I made that recipe also and it drove me crazy all day because it smelled so good! Next time I am making it on a day that I will be out and about so that doesn't happen. I didn't notice it needed salt because I have cut way down on the salt and I guess I am used to it now. Love T
