Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Think They Like Lilacs

Three pretty - and very similar - magazine covers from Family Circle today.
May 2009:

May 2010:

And May, 2011:

Yes, I think they like lilacs, but - guess what?
That's perfectly all right with me.
Because I like them, too!


  1. I love them too, what lovely covers. I am glad they are on the computer though, lilacs unfortunately make me sneeze. I still love to have a nice bouquet once in a while. Love T

  2. my gram and gramps property has lots of lilacs on it. mackinac island has a lilac festival every year.

  3. Heidi,
    I love lilacs too, those and sweet peas, and roses!! Loved looking in on your blog. Antique Rose

  4. Wow--Can't believe they still publish Family Circle! How about Redbook?

    My Mom read both faithfully...
