Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Doin' Nothin', Nothin' Doin'

Slow hot days around here in Kelsey. Kinda hard to do much in this heat. Sittin' on the deck, swattin' the mosquitoes, wavin' away the gnats. Once in a while pulling a stringy weed out of a potted plant...
The holiday has come and gone, hubby's vacation is over, the summer stretches ahead...

The unbelieveably sweet scent of the matilija poppies wafts up to the front porch and transports me somewhere else... don't know where, but it sure smells good there!

Luna is busy - in, out, in, out. Eat those gophers!

Cheshire Cat says, if it is above 80 degrees, he isn't going anywhere. Of course he takes the middle of the bench so there is no room for anyone else.

If I had some energy, I could join them down on our river, it would be cooler there. Looks like I'd have to put a bit of effort into it though.

Just another very lazy summer day. Enjoy!


  1. Just relaxin' - or I know - even better yet: "chillin'", sounds good to me with our hot summer weather here in the foothills!

  2. ooohh sounds lovely ;-) Please send us a bit of your heat. Cheshire cat looks just like me Timmy. Enjoy, dee x

  3. love the cat photos and all the others too! summers can be so lazy.

  4. Hot and humid down here in so. Cal. Welcome to July! Won't see any cool until Oct-Nov. Boo!!

  5. Cheshire Cat looks a little cranky. I wouldn't mess with him. That's what this heat does to all of us too.
    The "dog days of summer" have finally arrived. Were we waiting for this?????
