Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Summer Cocktail

I finally found Skinny Girl Margarita at Safeway, and it was on sale at the time, so I "had" to get a bottle to try it:
No, I do not need all of these bar "accoutrements" to drink it. It's actually ready-to-drink as is, although I liked it better when I poured some into my Diet Squirt on ice. I just felt like taking a picture of some of my vintage barware because I like it:

And besides, a little bit of Old Blue Eyes while you sip your cocktail is never a bad thing.
Bottoms up!


  1. I saw that Jose Cuervo has a low calorie margarita now, Bethany has sure started a good thing going! I like your vintage barware too. I love your album, I want you to play it for me when I come over, as I sip the Margarita. I guess I will have to make the extra trip to Safeway here and see if they have Skinny Girl. I just have to buy some, to help support Bethany's cute little baby Bri. Love T

  2. I hadn't heard about the Jose Cuervo version! That sounds like something I really want to check out!

  3. bethany no longer owns skinny girl - she sold it for lots and lots of $$$$$. i have wanted to know what it tastes like. been wanting to try it. could not find scales brand cocktail mixes but bought some online - very very low in calories. margarita mix was a bit sweet for my tastes so added tons of fresh lime. bloody mary mix was great and tangy. hope i can find it locally cuz i won't pay shipping charges again.

  4. I can't drink much of anything anymore, but this is one I would love to try... served just like you have pictured it and with Ol' blue eyes in the background.
    Might have to go over to Safeway and get some... for company.
    Love the name... doesn't fit me, but I love it anyway... and the bottle.

  5. Even ice water would taste good with your vintage barware nearby. Love those photos!

  6. I see you are being so WW Wise and I am being so bad! I'm eating my way through Alaska, bad, bad, bad. We are in Homer now and it's so beautiful! I do not look forward to weighing in...Yikes! I miss you. Have a Skinny Girl for me. See you next Wednesday.
