Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Tea Party Bridal Shower

Good morning. Tina here.

A couple of weekends ago I drove to another side of the county to attend the bridal shower for a daughter of an old friend of mine. Her sister hosted, and it was held at her Mom's lovely little home in Somerset, California, on the deck, surrounded by tall pines and the day was gorgeous!
My friend Janet, mother of the bride, is the best and hardest working gardener and landscape artist I know. She is a teacher, and in the summer I think all she does is move rocks and weed and plant and water. Her yard is incredible. She herself married here in the yard, and her daughter Whitney, who the shower was for, will marry here in August.

This was my table. The pretty china teacups are from Janet's grandmother's collection.

Each table was carefully decorated with pretty cups, flowers and placemats or tablecoths.

Hummingbirds buzzed us and fountains bubbled. We were asked to wear our prettiest hats.

The neighbors' dog, very well behaved and as white as snow, crashed the party. He forgot his hat.

Lovely cupcakes on a tower. They were very cute, with bees decorating the tops.

This was the game where you get one clothespin, and then if you spoke the groom's name, John, and another guest caught you, they take your clothespin. The one with the most at the end of the party wins. I ended up with only two. I didn't win.

Whitney greets her mother-in-law-to-be.

Bride-to-be Whitney and her sister Sierra, our hostess. These two young ladies have been my friends since they were born. We have camped with them throughout California and into Oregon. We went to all their birthday parties and graduations. Now a wedding.

Two good buddies enjoy a moment. Laura, on the left, also camped with us several times.

All the good buds get together and show off their garden bonnets.

Mother of the bride, sister of the bride, and the bride herself.

Everyone making sure they don't say "John". It was especially hard for the bride and his mom, Judy.

Sipping our iced tea or lemonade, catching up on what's happening. Diane (in the center) is planning to live part-time in Nicaragua. We were very interested in hearing all about it!

This was the most fun game. The toilet paper bridal dress. Our youngest model was lovely in a short ballerina dress complete with veil and bouquet.

Whitney played the pregnant bride, and her poor mother-in-law-to-be was in my group. Our dress was a mess, although it had a nice bow on the front.

I think the dog was interested in how Whitney managed to get "with child" so quickly while he wasn't looking.

Oh no, I said "John" again.

Oh no, I said "John" too!

This was my favorite TP dress, it looked like it would pass for real if you weren't too close.

Laura, some day you will make a lovely bride.

Shotgun wedding in the porta-potty anyone?

Oh oh, I think Judy said "John" again. Darn!

Now the really fun part!

Whitney's step-dad made the lovely cabinet behind her.

The bride received some lovely items, my favorites were the wine glasses.

She ended up with a great bouquet for the wedding rehearsal. Sorry my photo is blurry.

A good time was had by all, and there was never a sweeter bride-to-be. I can't wait for the wedding!


  1. What a beautiful shower. Someone worked very hard on this.
    In a few years you will all look back on this post and have such good memories.
    Better print this one out and save it ...

  2. how lovely! a great day to go with all the wonderful planning. all the hard work that went into it showed in the photos - what great memories for all. thanks for sharing this tina, i absolutely loved it.

  3. It looks like such a wonderful party!! It has been SO long since I have seen those lovely girls. Thank you for sharing Whitney's beautiful day with us.
