Friday, August 19, 2011

Scenes From (Around) A Kitchen Window

You've seen a lot of this stuff before, but I decided to take pictures of all of the things that surround me when I am working at the kitchen sink. Our house was built in 1940, and the sink is built into the corner with windows above and little curved shelves on either side.
You know I love vintage things, and I collect all sorts of little whatnots.

Many of the items are things I have collected, but a number of them were inherited or given to me by friends, as well.

Working at the sink or on the nearby counter top is more fun when you surround yourself with all manner of little vintage pretties - and some of my Ransburg and Mary Engelbreit collectibles thrown in, too, for good measure!


  1. I have always loved your kitchen window. Dizzy outside asleep on the shelf adds a bit of coziness too! I wish I had a window over my sink. I guess I can pull up this post now and look at yours instead. Love T

  2. Your kitchen reminds me of my grandmother's (and I mean that in a good way!) I have a couple of Ransburg shakers and a recipe box that were my mother's that are orange/red. I can remember her using one as flour shaker when I was a little girl.

  3. There is great light through your window. I'm envious of your place to do kitchen work, surrounded by your neat things and memories.

  4. A very lovely space! My treasures seem to get tucked away and forgotten :(

  5. Candice - Loved hearing about your Mom's Ransburg - so neat that you still have those things.
    Reduce, Reuse....I hadn't really thought about the fact that yes, of course, some of the things do evoke memories - and that really IS nice. The little photo in the Mary Engelbreit frame that you can see in one of the pictures is my in-laws. It was for them that this home was originally built. They surely deserve to be there in the window. They smile at me every day.

  6. Simply gorgeous! You have that envyable knack of being able to put things together as though they arranged themselves in just THE perfect order. My arrangements unfortunately end up looking like a shelf at the thrift store.
    Total lack of imagination :- (

    Your kitchen is beautiful & looks like a place where a girl could spend hours with good friends & coffee.

  7. WOW! Everything is adorable. I absolutely love the daisy print wallpaper in the background. Each item is so bright and cheery and full of charm... Heidi, it must be so fun to work in your kitchen!

  8. My goodness - thank you, everybody!! Your sweet comments have brightened my morning.

  9. I love this post. I finally get to see how you use and display all the wonderful things that you find.
    This is a lovely kitchen filled with all the things that mean something to you.
    What a great feeling it must be to walk in there every morning.... and ALL THAT LIGHT. WOW!

  10. I loooove your kitchen window!! I too have little vintage things in my kitchen window that make me happy.

    What is that cute thing with the daisies painted on it? (There's matching daisy cannisters above it.) I don't even know what it is, but I love it!


  11. You could post about your kitchen window every day and I wouldn't get tired of it!

  12. You have created a great place to work in!

  13. Just checking out some of your older posts. FUN! Your kitchen wallpaper is awesome? Is it new or vintage? Where can I find some!
    love rosie

  14. Jill - I'm sorry I never answered your question! The "thing" with the daisies on it is a paper towel holder, with another section at the top to hold waxed paper or foil.

  15. Rosie - Thank you! I love it when people go back and read older posts - there are a LOT of them to see!
    The wallpaper was put in by my in-laws, probably in the late 1960's. It's actually really looking old; it's in pretty bad shape. We don't really have the money to change it.I actually didn't like it at first, but the truth is, it really DOES look pretty good with all of my STUFF - I mean, my fabulous vintage collections! It has really grown on me, since we've lived here!
