Thursday, September 15, 2011

Decorate With Vera

I REALLY like the image below from Seventeen Magazine, circa 1971. Whenever I find these little items featuring vintage Vera Neumann scarves (or anything else Vera), I feel the need to share them with you. I just love all the saturated colors, and the bold graphics on the scarves that help to decorate the room.

And here are photos of some of the Vera scarves I have found:
You may have seen some of them before, but I made an attempt to get better photos of them.
(I didn't say I succeeded, but I made the attempt!)

I particularly like the colors and design on this one:

I showed this ad, below, when I did a post back in November of last year about Congoleum floors, and I mentioned at the time that I thought the scarf wrapped around the hat looked like a Vera:
Well, guess what? Apparently my subconscious must have remembered this scarf in the center, below. These belonged to my mother-in-law and I sold them a number of years ago. My conscious mind had no idea - until I came across this photo again:
It's a Vera, all right - in a different colorway than the one I had:
I knew it!
So - go for it! Decorate a room with your vintage Vera scarves. There are so many to choose from, in such beautiful patterns and colors. And they are waiting to beautify your room.