Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Confession: I am in love with my Screen Doors!

Good morning. Tina here.

I love my screen doors. I can't help myself. I take pictures of them like they were a member of my family, one of my animals, or important historical places of interest.
I have at least a hundred pictures of them, and that doesn't count the front screen door's first life in Diamond Springs, when I even painted it for an art class. But that is a whole story of its own, how I came to get my screen doors. I will save that for another post. Today I just want to admire them.

I designed the screen door on the front from some of my favorite gingerbread accents. I wanted it simple yet very old fashioned looking.

Over the years they have received some boo-boos. The cats (well, actually just Ishi...) have climbed the screens, so there are little holes in trails up and down, but flies are too big to get through them.

One day our Corgi, Robbi must have been bored, and he wanted to come inside, and he chewed the gingerbread trim a bit on the screen door which leads to the deck. It isn't too bad, but it is not a good look. But it is realistic... Let's face it, animals are hard on a home.

I like the satisfying SLAM! when you are coming in the house in a hurry and forget to catch the door. It echoes down the river canyon, perhaps they can hear it in Coloma.

I like the way the two screen doors are directly across from each other in the living room, so when they are open the air can just flow through. It smells so good and the room gets freshened up in no time.

I like the way they look like they are really old, and they compliment our home and make it look like it is really old too.

I like the way the door can be open, yet not open. A neighbor can peek through and yell, "Yoohoo, anyone home?", but they know someone is home, because the door is open!

I can't help it, I just love them.

Excuse me, I need to go take more pictures.


  1. Oh, you just reminded me, when spring comes, I will get one for my front door, actually, maybe for the garage door also. I would like that!!!! Nice screens!!!!!

  2. I love your screen doors too ! And I can tell the view must be awe inspiring as well. Love your blog.
    Have a great week !

    Dawn in Arkansas
    (born in California )

  3. I love your screen doors too ! And I can tell the view must be awe inspiring as well. Love your blog.
    Have a great week !

    Dawn in Arkansas
    (born in California )

  4. i love your screen doors - they remind me of my grams and many of the small stores in town when i was little coming up north. i sure do wish they were the screen doors that i had now.

  5. I can surely see why you love them so much. They are absolutely beautiful. Your home is absolutely beautiful for that matter. Seems so serene. How's the recovery going?

  6. i love your doors! i wish i had screen doors. i can never leave my doors opened because i don't want my all my critters to escape!
