Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Our Daddy

Good morning, Tina here. I am posting a day late so that I could be here today to say Happy Birthday to my father Don. The Gold Country Girls' Daddy would have been 88 years old today. He has been gone over 34 years now, and I still miss him every day.

I, being the oldest of three girls, became his "helper". I would help him fix things. Lots of times the helping was rather hard. I don't think he realized at those times I wasn't a strong teenage boy, just a rather wimpy, skinny girl.

I remember when I had to help him drag pipe from our well up a steep hill. I thought I wasn't going to survive, I felt like I was a pack mule! But I never let on that I was close to certain death from over-working.

Then there was the time I had to hold up the rafters for his shop he was building up on the hill by the new house. I was high up on a ladder (not my favorite place at any time) and then had to hold up my arms and support the beams as he settled them in for the roof. I thought for sure my arms would drop off, or I would fall off the ladder, or drop the beam on Daddy's head...
I never did.

This is Daddy and me when I was a baby. I called him "Daddy Don" until my sisters were old enough to talk, and then he became just Daddy.

I think this photo of Daddy, with the ever-present can of beer (Olympia) was taken on one of our family camping trips, because he is in the Greenbrier van. We went camping every summer, and Daddy was always fixing up some kind of new camping gear, including a tent that fit on top of this van so there was room for all of us to sleep. He was very handy that way.

Happy Birthday Daddy Don!


  1. Thank you for this post, Tina.
    We love you and miss you, Daddy!!
    Happy birthday.

  2. Oh, miss him sooooo much!!!!!! He died way too young!!!!!! Love you Daddy!!!!!!!

  3. My father died at a young age, too. It really rips at a young girls heart. Happy Birthday to your dad!

  4. Tina Dawn this is so beautiful that you've honored your daddy today. There is something very special about girls & their dad's. In some way or another, they are our hero's. I LOVE the pic of him with his beer! Reminds me so much of my own daddy. And most of all I LOVE that you all still refer to him as "Daddy". I thought I was the only "girl" who, at shall we say, this "certain age" still did that. Never called him "dad" - never will. They are our Daddies forever & ever. Sending ((HUGS)) to all three of his little girls - cause that's what we are forever & always.

  5. Vickie - Yep, he has always been our Daddy. Thank you so much for your sweet words - and the hugs! Heidi

  6. my dad died in 1977 - i think of him every day. there is something special about a daughter/s and their dad that there aren't enough words to encompass that special relationship. i am the same age he was when he was fighting cancer. he passed way to young also. all the best to all the gold country girls and anyone else who lost a dad or parent too soon. nice post tina!

  7. What a sweet tribute to your dad! Inhave been enjoying your blog for a few months now!

    Laurie S.
