Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Have a Great Independence Day!

Wishing everyone a very lovely 4th of July.

Enjoy your holiday.  I will be enjoying some barbecue and my hubby's impressive potato salad!

Come evening we sit on our benches facing west and watch fireworks from miles away, they are about 1/2 an inch in size, but we ooh and aah anyway.


  1. Happy 4th to you, Tina!! Wish I was also going to have some of that potato salad.......

  2. I spent most of my life in the SF Bay area. My wife and I once climbed prominent Mission Peak one evening on a July 4th. We, along with a dozen or so other hikers enjoyed fireworks from around the entire SF Bay. Just beautiful. That might just be my most memorable 4th of July experience.

    What/Which fireworks display(s) are you watching from up there, Tina?

    Happy Independence Day, Y’all!

  3. Hi Jim. I am not exactly sure where the fireworks are from, but I think they originate in Auburn. They were really pretty last night, and lasted quite a while, from 9:35 to just after 10. I ended up watching from the west facing upstairs bedroom window. Tina
