Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day after Blahs

Well, woke up this morning later than usual, 6:45 am, with absolutely no ideas for my post today.

We had a wonderful house-bursting Christmas, and I am pretty worn out.

So I am just going to share this great photo from 1952 of a few shivering children on Clay Street in Placerville and their slightly lopsided snowman.  That is about how I feel right now, slightly lopsided.

Hope you had a great Christmas day! Enjoy those turkey sandwiches.


  1. You and Hubby did a great job!!! No wonder you are pooped!!!! Rest up!!
    We had a great time!!!

  2. Well, being lopsided is a small price to pay for giving your all to see that folks experience a wonderful Christmas. You're special, Tina. Love the photo. Love that house. I guess they had a staircase out front that I didn't know about. And the chil'ns are facing the Ivy House, so taken for granted. Aren’t those kids proud of their lopsided snowman. Shivering, yes, but having a ball.

    1952 was a gigantic snow year: choo-choo City of San Francisco out of Truckee snowbound for several days just west of the summit. I actually knew someone (nurse working with 1st wife—a bit older), a young mother at the time with a 1 & a 2 year old snowbound on that train. There's a semi-recent book about it. The nurse’s stories were more chilling. The 1952 winter was the end of winter fun at Echo Lk, up until then a year-round resort. You can still see where the ski/toboggan runs were up there—brushy areas on mountainsides. The newer parking lot was the run-out for a slide down a couple slopes.

    And lots of other such things. “Snowbound Streamliner: Rescuing the 1952 City of San Francisco” by Robert J. Church. Placer & Sac County libraries have it. There are actually two books about the incident, one for train buffs, the other for both train & people buffs. I hope I gave the one about the people.

    I owe you a letter, Tina. 4 months past due. I left you cliff-hanging. Sorry. I see the orthopedist again Dec 31. He’s gonna interpret a full body bone scan. I don’t even understand why he ordered such a thing yet. (He don’t talk a whole lot, no way.) I’ll write soon after that.

    As usual, I’m so sorry for the length of this comment. Seems I’m an incurable windbag. Merry Christmas & Much Love, Gold Country Girls

  3. love this card - it is so much of what it was like back in the 'day'
