Sunday, March 10, 2013

More Stuff From That Box I Bought

 I promised you more on the box of stuff I bought over a week ago at the storage space sale.
 This one guy said "Oh, just throw some stuff together and I'll give you a good deal on it", or something like that. He didn't even really look into the box I gathered up.
 Along with the patterns I showed you already - and more - there were these cute vintage Jiffy Stitchery kits from the 1970's.
 I think I got maybe fourteen of them? They aren't all pictured in this post.
 This one, below "Brownstone" - I am virtually positive that I stitched this one up way back then! Because it looks way too familiar to me:
                               (Wonder where it is now....?)


  1. I have some of those that I did or did not stitch in the 70s, very cute, great find!!!!

  2. I did a bunch of the "Indian basket" ones, a few little ones and one that was bigger. Guess I didn't think much of them because I no longer have them. You sure got a bunch of great stuff at that sale! I like your pattern for the stuffed animals the best. Love T

  3. I have a couple of these from the "Chair" series that my mom-in-law stitched for me. Still hanging :)
