Monday, November 11, 2013

Words To Live By?

I saw this sign from 1973 on eBay, and it really kind of spoke to me.
I answered it back in my head.
I said, "Yes, I  think I would like to do that."
Enjoy what I am. Hmmmm.
Sounds simple enough.
 Should be doable, right? In theory?
If you do NOT enjoy what you are, then you can always try to change, I reckon.
My sign is now hanging near our living room television - a spot where I am most likely to see it every day , or at least every evening , anyhow.   :)
Alas, some things are easier said than done - but I'm working on it, all right?
I'm working on it.
"Enjoy What You Are".
This sign was made by the same company (George Nathan) as the one below, which I shared with you earlier this year. I found it at a thrift shop.
I like this phrase, too - but I already told you that.


  1. I enjoy what you are, and I love you too! I also love your signs. Love T

  2. I like your sign. It is interesting that it says "what" rather than "who". I think it takes a while (like growing older and wiser) to really do this!
    Annette (formerly Andy's Attic, now using my other blog)
