Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Cookies

I am busy today making Christmas cookies, but I just wanted to share these vintage photos.  I actually showed them to you back in 2009, but maybe you didn't see my post back then? What the heck, something this cute bears repeating, anyway.  
Christmas cookie decorating time, circa 1960. We always used to get together with this family during the holidays, and would usually have Christmas dinner at either their home or ours.
(Hmmm....making cookies - looks familiar - some things never change, right?)
 There are three girls in their family, too.
 In the pictures below, you see all three of us Gold Country Girl sisters, along with our very dear life-long friends that we do not get to see nearly often enough!
 From left to right in the top photo: Diane, Barbara, Lori, Tina, Lisa and Heidi. 
Okay, girls - let's get together and do this again some time - what do you say?
 (Since Diane is in Colorado, this may take some doing!)
 But a girl can hope, right?
I miss you guys.


  1. Those pictures are great! I hope your cookie making experience was as magical this year as it was back then! (Rob)

  2. I think I got a little carried away with the flour!!!!

  3. Big sis Tina says this is probably Christmas 1960. My fourth grade photo that fall was my last picture with long hair, the next year I had a short curly perm. I do wish we could go back in time for just a day and do this again! But the next best thing is to get us all together now, grandkids and all!

  4. Tina - thank you! I am going to go in and edit the post to add the correct date! And I sure hope we can figure out a date that will work for all of us to get together....soon.

  5. Lorlore- I know...right? Five-year-old little girl + little black sweater + flour = MESS!

  6. What darling photos from a more innocent time. I love looking at old black & white photos from the 50s and 60s, but it makes me a little weepy! I don't think we baked cookies like the Gold Country Girls but I so have photos of us at Brownie meetings!
