Monday, May 19, 2014

The Hunt For Buried Treasure

I can't believe it took me so long to put this post together, but a month ago, on the day before Easter, my youngest stepson put together a fabulous Treasure Hunt for his four nephews, our grandsons.
He went to a LOT of work preparing for this event.
Treasure chests were collected, one for each boy:
And loot was collected to fill them:
What wonderful treasures awaited them!
Each boy had his very own map , complete with clues:
First, they had to find the cache that contained their maps and the tools they would need:
Digging it up:
Compasses, pencils, rulers, and their maps to each, individual buried Treasure Chest were contained inside this box:
They did get some help deciphering their clues which would lead them each to the correct spot:
Off to search the property with Dad:
And the other Dad, too:
Pepper was eager to help, too:

The oldest  and the youngest (who got some help from Mom) were the first to find their Treasure:
Lines needed to be drawn to pinpoint the precise location on the map:
It must be buried here beneath this pile of stones:
A little digging....
I couldn't get pictures of every thing that transpired, because they each found their spots at different locations, and I simply could not be everywhere on the property at once!
Scoping out the contents:
Smiling faces all around!
The youngest - pretty happy with all of those gold (chocolate) coins that were inside!
I think when they get a little older, they will fully realize just how very special this event was, and how much time and effort their loving uncle put in to do this for them!
It was fun for Grandpa and me to watch, along with the rest of the family!


  1. I was enthralled. I have always loved treasure hunts. I tried to do some for you little sisters when you were little, but they had to be really simple because I think you couldn't read very well yet. I think this is so very wonderful I can't even express. So glad you could be there to watch, and especially glad you are sharing the experience with us. Your little grandsons will also have this post as a remembrance. Love T

  2. Tina, I so remember your treasure hunts for us!!! They were great fun!!! Also, playing waitress with menus for us to order from, etc. That may be why we were all waitresses at one time years ago!!!!

  3. You must feel so proud of all your progeny. Learning and fun; teachers and Scout leaders take note.
