Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Golfing in Nevada on a Beautiful Day in May

Good morning, Tina here. Last week we went golfing near Genoa, Nevada with friends.
 They were staying at a timeshare at Wally's Hot Springs, and we drove up for the day.
It was a Thursday, and the weather was incredible. Just warm enough to enjoy the sun, not windy at all, gorgeous views of three mountain ranges. Wow.
The first stop was at a practice area so everyone could warm up.  Pam heads out in her gorgeous nasturtium colored golf outfit.
 I don't golf, but I ride in a golf cart really well, and I was sporting my gardening hat, which I have had for years. It was made in Australia and I got it in old town Folsom at the antique street faire.
I wrapped my vintage paisley scarf around the brim, thinking that if the wind picked up I could use it to fend off an earache. Didn't need to do that, though.
 Hubby found it hard to concentrate at first, the view was so spectacular.
 Pam and Dick travel quite a bit, and have golfed all over, from Hawaii to Australia.
 I spent hours watching and was never bored. 
 In this photo on the right is the back side of Heavenly Valley Ski Area, still a bit of snow up there.
Houses are being built near the golf course. This one, two story, is nestled right next to it. I really liked the window treatments and the rockwork.
 Hubby shows his form. He golfed in sandals and shorts.
 I discovered that one of the things that takes up a lot of time golfing is the question of "where did my ball go?" Hubby watches a lot of golf on TV, and no one on TV has this problem, they have caddies and fans and announcers telling them where the ball went. But not in real life...
The course was on one side of the highway for 9 holes, and then went under the highway for the next nine. Each section had a great bathroom with sinks and mirrors and flush toilets, very clean, and located midway.
 This is why it was nice to see each bathroom. We drank a lot of water!
 Another thing I discovered about golf is you need to know a lot of cuss words. Dick knows them all.
This is the back of the house I showed earlier. The second floor comes out to a pond. It really is a nice spot for a home, if you are a golfer!
Across the highway was another spectacular home, with its own golf cart path so they can just drop onto the course and start golfing.
 Oops, another lost ball is found. What the heck are you doing there?
 A closeup of the spectacular home, nestled into the foothills.
 Heading back to the clubhouse, we take the tunnel under the highway.
This shot was a surprise, Hubby and I reflected as we enter the tunnel. It reminds me of the hitchhiking ghost at the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.

I think I will ride along on more golf outings in the future!


  1. That looks fun, glad you rode along!!!!

  2. The photos are great, and this was fun to read. Sounds like a really nice day. I don't know if I have been to Genoa since we got married up there nearly 20 years ago. Maybe once!
