Saturday, August 9, 2014

Artwork And Crafts From The State Fair

I like the style of this first artist.
His name is David Peterson. There were some "plein air" paintings on display that had been executed during the fair's duration.
This was one of his:
And then, this painting was a fair entry:
Here is the information on the painting above:
And the last one from Mr. Peterson, above, was another plein air painting. I really like them.

But the painting below was my very favorite,
 "Sweet Dreams" by Leslie DuPratt:

 I just really like it. There's something about it that really appeals to me.
It's bright, it's unusual - it caught my eye.
And here is her info:
I was fascinated with this Tear Drop Camp Trailer, built by students at Lincoln High School in Stockton, California as a Manufacturing Group Project. Their instructor's names are Jeff. L. Wright And Andrew Larsen. Wish we could have seen the inside, too!
Pretty cool, huh?
 The gentleman you see below was created by Kurt Barton. 
Pop Rivets, The Tin Man.
Love it:

 Fused Glass Quilts on a clothesline, made by Susan McGarry , of Fairfield:

This Carved Black Walnut Chair, below, was made by a man named Klark Raetz, from Upper Lake.
 Doesn't it just look like the ultimate phone/magazine table? I think you could stick your magazines on the left side, there. And a telephone (the old kind) could sit on the small tabletop.
What a gorgeous piece of furniture!

 "Hankie Girls", a quilt sewn by Mary Boyer of Rancho Cordova.
I love how the handkerchiefs are made into their skirts:
 That's it - just wanted to show you some of my favorite things !

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for introducing me to some wonderful new(to me) artists! I really love the all this stuff, with all my favorite stuff like tear drop trailers and the tin man! I love love love the fused glass quilts and the hankie girls quilt! I don't want to slight the things I don't mention, all the picks were great. We must be related or something! What a treat to come home and read. Love T
