Friday, November 21, 2014


Just some turkeys for you today!
First up - this cutie by illustrator John Alcorn, from The Fireside Book Of Songs. I love this one:
A Hallmark honeycomb turkey package, found this year at a thrift store.
 He's a cute little guy, too::
I found this book at a rummage sale downtown. Couldn't resist it:
 This placemat below is another vintage Hallmark item:

And here's a turkey on the table:
From "The Modern Family Cookbook" by Meta Given, published in 1953.
I love turkey; I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving!
We always get a huge one so that we will have plenty of leftovers.
Less than one week away.........

1 comment:

  1. I love the Hallmark honeycomb turkey, was it in the package or was it just the package? I didn't know that turkeys used to be a luxury item. Do you remember the Gold Country Girls turkeys? We had a bunch of them. I liked to feed them the big green grasshoppers when I could catch them. Love T
