Thursday, April 2, 2015

One Terrific Find

I found the lovely pair of salt and pepper shakers in the photo below at a shop in Jamestown, California.
I had walked right past them the first time.
Why did I not notice them?
That would be because they were FILTHY.
Are they not fantastic?
I took a closer look at a shelf of assorted salt and pepper shakers as I made my way back to the front of the shop, and they kind of jumped out at me.
 I think they were desperate for some attention, and they needed for me to rescue them!
I did, then, recognize them as being something special, though they have no markings.
They were made by Figgjo Flint of Norway, and I am VERY happy to say that I have put them to work in my kitchen.
They are sitting on top of my microwave.
They look much better now, after a good bath!
For the life of me, I can't understand why somebody wouldn't bother to clean things up before putting them out for sale on a shop shelf.
It's certainly not something I would ever do.
They hadn't even bothered to put a price tag on them.
(I wish I had taken a "before" picture. They were covered with years of greasy kitchen grime - I guess. Gross.)
Quite the fabulous pair, I dare say.


  1. I love them. I don't think I would want to see them dirty. Maybe the seller thought that old kitchen grease was a collectible. I can't wait to see them in person. Love T

  2. I like your S&P shakers in their folk costumes! That's just gross that the seller didn't clean their merchandise before putting it out for sale. What's wrong with people?!

  3. Love Figgo! What a great find!
    I love this blog too :)
    I work away from home for two weeks at a time and I save up my surfing for when I return to work and am tied to a computer for 12 hours a day - your gal's blog is one of the first I look at; always something that reminds me of my youth posted!

  4. Those are too fun! Good for you for rescuing, cleaning and then putting them to use!

  5. Very cute! I've been to some estate sales like that-- would it kill someone to run a dust rag around first??

  6. So glad I read your blog today. Love the salt and pepper shakers. Looked on google for more stuff like yours and realized I have 3 small wall plaques made by Figgjo that my husband got me on a business trip many years ago! Should I mark them so my kids don't give them Goodwill? LOL!
