Saturday, September 12, 2015

Random Photos - And Have I Really Been Doing This For Eight Years?

Today I just have a rather random assortment of photos for you.
We'll start with this lovely box of ornaments, below.
 I took it up to the counter and asked the young gal the price at the thrift store.
"Seventy-five cents".
Oh, um - let me think about that for a fraction of a second;
"Yes, I'll take them!"  (It does have a lid).
I took an afghan that my mother-in-law made years ago and put it on the sofa that has seen better days.
 The pillows were all thrift store finds.
I like how it looks:
Another thrift store had gotten a pretty darned cool donation of a bunch of vintage Bauer Pottery dishes.
 They were too good a deal to pass up, but I couldn't afford to buy all of it, so I got this set of four 9&1/2 inch plates.
Absolutely delighted to add them to my collection, yes I was:
I paid fifty cents for this cute matchbox  - here's the front of the "building"....
.. and the back:
It's not the real small size, it's actually about 4&1/2 by 3 inches.
It was empty; I added the new matchsticks when I got home.

On a completely different subject, today marks eight years since I began this blog.
 Here I am, 2729 posts later, still here.
Tina contributes on Wednesdays, and Lori still posts occasionally, also.
I hope you won't mind if I very politely ask that if you read - and hopefully, enjoy - our blog, won't you please consider taking a moment to comment if you haven't ever done so?
And if you wanted to become a "Follower", I would truly appreciate that, as well.
Most importantly, I hope that if you ARE a regular reader, whether you follow publicly and comment now and then, or read it privately and silently, that you will continue to do so until I/we cannot write it any more.
Thank you very much.
And I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I have been reading your blog for a few months now. I love seeing the things that you post about. I was a small kid in the 70's not much concerned with clothing and household items so I am thrilled to see what you post and for the information about the items. Thanks for blogging

  2. Congratulations on your 8th year anniversary! I enjoy your blog and have learned a lot by your posts!!

  3. Wow, 2729! That's a lot. I for one love our blog because I feel like I am talking to you every day, even on Weds. when I write it because we always comment on each other's post. Even sisters can find out new things about each other! Love all your new stuff, your couch looks great. Love T

  4. Amazing score on the Christmas ornaments - I collect any 1970 and earlier. I am a follower for a while now but mostly lurker :) Keep up the great blogging!

  5. What I really like are the blogger friends we have met over the years, even though, not face to face, it is fun to communicate with others who are interested in the same things we are!!!!

  6. And to eight more years! As you may or may not know, you are one of my fav blogs (as evidenced by your place of honor in my side bar blog roll). Also, we are practically neighbors - both residing in the Northern California foothills.

  7. I love your blog. Your finds, your California tours, your homes, flowers and cats. It's a pleasure to read here. Thank you!

  8. Eight years-- good for you!! What a deal on the ornaments! Cute matchbox. My grandmother made tons of ripple afghans. I still have two of them.

  9. I happily read your blog! You bring back my childhood and I'd love to go thrifting with you!

  10. Reading your blog is like biting into a juicy orange or stirring up a colorful fruit salad. It is such a fun blog! Congratulations on so many posts. Wow! I'm back to teaching, so busy, busy. You find the most wonderful things!

  11. Wow! What a bargain on the ornaments! I love them. Congratulations on eight years blogging. I hope you all continue for a long time since I love seeing everything each of you post.

  12. Love your blog!! Found it a few weeks ago and still trying to catch up. It is informative, fun, and beautiful! I haven't been out that way in about 14 years, but I love reliving it through your photos. We also like a lot of the same vintage stuff, so it's fun to see what you find out there thrifting. Keep it up, it's AWESOME!

  13. I am a faithful reader of your blog. I want to let you and your sisters know that I have enjoyed each segment of your blog. I hope I will be reading this blog for many years to come.

  14. I follow lots of blogs but yours is among my top 4. I am a child of the 60s but your blog has given me a thirst for more of the 70s! Your blog is the most colorful and I always learn something from it! I love it! Keep up the great work! love, rosie

  15. Hi! I found you through Pinterest and really enjoy your blog. Reading your thrifting posts is like a visit to my local Goodwill and I love seeing your treasures. I also like how you not only show patterns but examples of them made. That is fascinating to me. We have the same taste in clothes so they are all things I would still love to wear 40 years later. Thank you for sharing!

  16. I too grew up in the 1970s. My mom had many of the things you post about. I think a local store must have sold Counterpoint, as we had a lot of it around the house. I'm in my 40's now, so it's fun to find it in the thrift stores or at least read about it here.

  17. A very sincere thank you to all of you who have commented here. I appreciate it very much.
