Monday, October 23, 2017

Paintings By Mr. Collins, Part Two

I'm back today with Part Two; I wanted to show you some more paintings done by Mr. Tom Collins, father of my dear friend Colleen, and principal of our elementary school Gold Oak Union in Placerville, California, where both Lori and I attended school from Kindergarten through eighth grade and Tina from 2nd through 8th.
Mr. Collins was there from 1963-1968.
(Oh - and the names of the principals before and after Mr. Collins served, were Claire Carter (prior), and then later, after they'd moved to Washington, Neil Armstrong. Please if I have misspelled either of their names, someone let me know and I will gladly correct my error. I remember both of them well, also - and Mrs. Carter was a friend of our Mother's.)

We'll start with this lovely painting, below - I can't even tell you how much I love the colors in this one!
 That sunset sky, and the reflection!

More favorite colors in this lovely scene, ahh .. serene and majestic in blues and greens:

A snow-covered countryside and a fabulous old farmhouse and outbuildings - love!

More greens and blues again, here, and a mirrored surface on the water - this one's a beauty, too:

He must have loved the mountains, yes?
And what prettier settings to paint could there be, I ask you?

I think every single one is gorgeous.

It was so nice to catch up with my childhood friend, and she may be able to come to California for a visit, some time before too very long.
I certainly hope that it happens!
Here is a portion of our fourth grade (Mrs. Ashley's) class photo from the same yearbook as the faculty page I shared yesterday (1966):

That's Colleen in the back, at left, and me in the front on the left.
Our other classmates seen in this partial (cropped) class photo are, from the back to front, and from left to right: Jean Ernsdorf and Judy Martin next to Colleen, Gary Harp and Rick Linson in front of them, Keith Windell and Gael Newman in front of them, Tom Sarette and David Quigley, and next to me in the front is Mona Vanderlinden. (If you're reading this - hi everybody!!)
And here is a picture of Colleen and me, taken by Lori this past May:
(She had taken us out to breakfast at The Buttered Biscuit in  Sumner, Washington - which was another fantastic dining experience we had on that trip, by the way! 
I mean, just take a gander at this plate of food:

Thanks again for everything, Colleen and Bruce; we enjoyed our stay SO very much!)
And I'll leave you with this lovely recent photo of Colleen and her adorable grandson, Snowden (what a great name!):
And this picture, below, which I took of the beautiful double rainbow that greeted us as we were walking toward the movie theater the evening we were there.
  What a delightful sight that was, and how fitting, you know?
It was if the skies above were also celebrating the wonderful time we had getting together again after so many (far TOO many) years!


  1. Wow-- all the paintings and pictures are great! You two girls haven't changed that much!

  2. I actually recognized Gary,Judy,Gael,and Mona,and you and Colleen of course, and then when you said Tom and Rick and Keith I remember them but wouldn't have recognized them. I love all Mr. Collins' pictures! Was he painting when they lived in the house across the street from the Farm Bureau? I think I might remember some paintings there, but that was long, long ago. Great post. I didn't have time AGAIN for one today. Rich's cousins were here today from Nevada (Dayton) Fort Mojave, Arizona and they wanted to go to Apple Hill and so we did. Saw Heather's shop Grandpa's Cellar atand bought a jar of beans to make taco chili. Love T

  3. Such a fun trip we had and great food!! So fun to see Colleen and all!!!
