Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dizzy Kitty

I thought I might introduce you to my cat.

The Honorable Dizzy Kitty, K. C. E.
(Kitty Cat Extraordinaire)
He holds such a huge piece of my heart that it's nearly impossible to explain. I laid on the floor and cried next to the cage he was in at the vet where he was hooked up to an IV, and they didn't think he would make it. Our wonderful veterinarian said he had never seen a cat in the condition that he was in pull through. They saved his life, and we are eternally grateful. I completely adore him, and I truly believe that he feels the same way about me. That's the best part.


  1. Your cat is a very handsome fellow and lucky to have you as a mom. I love my teacup poodles the same way. They're my babies.

  2. Heidi Ann.
    Where did you grow up exactly?
    I grew up in Twain Harte. My Mom taught at Columbia School (3rd grade).. My dad worked for the forest service in Pinecrest. So it looks like we share more than a love for vintage and kitties.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Finding yours was a trip down memory lane.
