Monday, October 1, 2007

Have You Had Your Mammogram?

Okay - so it's October now! And Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here. Shirley Temple Black is a breast cancer survivor, you know. Our mother was not as lucky, she lost her battle with the disease 10 years ago.Do you see her in the pictures? Adorable when she was a little girl, a contemporary of Shirley's, and beautiful in the other photo as a young woman.
My annual mammogram is next week. Please don't forget to have your exam and/or mammogram this year. There does not have to be a history in your family. Everybody knows that, right? It's true.
Please remember.


  1. This is a lovely collage and tribute to your mother, Heidi. Very timely as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I'm in my third week of daily radiation treatments after a lumpectomy on August 7th. This really hits home. All of your blog postings and photos are wonderful! I look forward to more!

    I'm having your sister, Tina, over for lunch on Saturday. I'm so happy she sent me the link to your blog!

    Cindy Hayden

  2. The previous post is from my wonderful friend Cindy who I don't see enough of these days, and we live only minutes apart! (which is close for those of us on the Divide!) Thank you for reading and enjoying and commenting on Heidi's blog, Cindy. See you tomorrow. (Tina, aka Annette)

  3. I love they way Shirley seems to be glancing over at your cute little mommy! You really have a knack for this--the way you arrange your subjects for the pictures is so lovely!
