Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Some of My Favorite Books

These are just a few of my favorite childhood books. From left to right in the picture:
I found this one in a shop or someplace, and I recognized it, so I think we must have had it growing up. A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson, and illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen. I love their unique illustrations. I'm going to share a couple in upcoming posts.
Heidi - this one was given to me by my Grandma Mom ( that's what we called our dad's mother - and his father was Pop) when I was little. I've treasured it since I was a little girl, it's got my name on it, and is inscribed inside from my grandmother. VERY special to me.
The Big Golden Book of Poetry, illustrated by Gertrude Elliott. This was given to me on my eighth birthday by dear family friends the Headley girls. Another special one!
The Golden Treasury of Poetry, selected by Louis Untermeyer, and illustrated by Joan Walsh Anglund. We grew up with this book, and when I found this copy (at a library sale, maybe?), I was thrilled. A lot of childhood favorites in this one, too.
Between my husband and myself, we have so many books, they threaten to take over the entire house. I say, let them!!


  1. So great to see those books again. I have a couple of "Grandma Mom" inscribed books and I just love them so much. I also have an 8 by 10 (approx.) box of rocks/minerals which she bought for me in the museum/store in Rhyolite, Nevada, and a book about rocks and minerals which she gave to me (and our sister Lori just found and returned to me). Also a few other things from her. I treasure them all. Sincerely, I remain, your big sister, Tina

  2. You know, it's funny that you should post this today--last night my boys and I went through a bunch of books that they decided they had "out-grown." I was making sure we didn't donate any that I wanted to keep, and we ended up keeping about half of the pile! Every time I picked one of the books up, one of them (or both) would say, "Oh! I remember that book! I want to keep it!" So, we had a great time, reading old story books and remembering stuff when they were little. They still don't want to keep them in their rooms--too embarrassing, I guess in front of their friends. So now I need to find a place to store them all! I don't mind, though. It will be worth it, when someday they have their own kids and they can share their fave books and childhood memories. (BTW, there were three books, one from Heidi, one from Lorie and one from Tina--from the times you have been up to visit--cute huh?)
