Friday, October 12, 2007

Soup Weather

It's overcast and kind of windy today. Day before yesterday it was raining. Yup, soup weather! My husband and I both really enjoy having soup for lunch or dinner. I love homemade soup, but I must admit that I don't make it nearly as often as I could/should. But - there are so many canned soups that are SO good! Our pantry is always stocked with lots of soup, and not only Campbell's, but Progresso, too and even Knorr mixes. I love the old Campbell's Soup ad from 1930 shown in the photo. Can't say I've seen any Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, or Mutton soup on the shelf lately! Nor any Ox Tail, Pepper Pot or Printanier (huh?). I think you can click on the pic to see it larger if you want. Nowadays, I mostly use the condensed versions in casseroles and the like - the Chunky and Classic ready to eat ones are our favorites. In 1930, they say there were 21 soups from Campbell's. Today? I have no idea, but I know it's a lot! Boggles the mind just remembering all the choices! Happy Soup Weather! Warm up with some today!

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