Friday, January 25, 2008

Lists, Tools and Tablets

Oh, I am a list keeper from WAY back. I have always been very good at keeping track of things and making lists. So, it stands to reason that I might like to use neat notepads and pencils. The cute little windmill holder above hangs in my kitchen. And I have had the Things To Do pad below for years. I liked the Pennsylvania Dutch style designs on it. And the little notepad with the housewife and her mixing bowl and Crisco just cracked me up.

I found those cool pencils I've shown above years ago at a shop in Santa Cruz. I think I bought one of every color/style they had. As you can see, a couple have been well-used (one has the top broken off). Thus far, the others have only been admired. No, they aren't as practical as a pencil with an eraser, but I had to have them because they were so unique. And since I mentioned lists, I have to leave you with this page from Frog And Toad Together by Arnold Lobel. From the story "A List", this page is is my very favorite part of the story. I have loved Frog And Toad from the first time I discovered them. It was when the book first came out in '71 or '72, and one of the stories out of the book was featured in a magazine. I fell in love with the story right then, and tore out the page and saved it. The story was "Cookies", and it's about willpower, and/or the lack thereof. I realized when I read that story that I AM Toad. I have often thought that I should have read that story aloud some time at a Weight Watchers meeting. It is hilarious. I also love "The Garden", where Toad tries shouting at his seeds to get them to grow. But for now, from "A List", here is poor Toad who has lost his list on his way to Frog's house, and no longer knows what to do with his day!!


  1. I just love that Toad page. And of course your windmill holder. Love T

  2. Hi there, thanks for stopping by our blog! I love how thrifting appeals to all ages... my first collections started when I was around 10 years old, my dad & I used to hit the junk/antique shops where I grew up in Maui.

    What do you mainly collect? I would love to see more pictures of your collections, especially if your interests are similar to mine (and Jade's).
