Monday, January 21, 2008

Simon & Garfunkel, Old Friends, Old Phones, and Dinosaurs

I love Simon & Garfunkel. My sister had all of their albums, and I used to love listening to them; I still do. My very first LP of my own was a gift from a friend - Sounds of Silence. Years later, I got all of the albums on cassette. And years after that, I bought the Collected Works CD set. I don't have an ipod. I still use my records (all 3 speeds), cassettes and CD's. On my way to and from Placerville this past weekend, I listened to S&G all the way. Although not purposely, it turned out to be very appropriate music for my journey! I was on my way there to meet "Old Friends" for dinner - two of my oldest and dearest friends. We had a wonderful visit - it had been WAY too long. And yesterday, when I was "Homeward Bound", it was "Cloudy", and the sky was "A Hazy Shade of Winter". Seriously - I'm not making this up. Those ominous clouds turned into snow about an hour ago. Didn't stick, though.
We have this exact same telephone. And we do use it. Yes- we also have portable phones - and even (gasp!) cel phones, but I love our old telephones. I wish I had one like this in aqua, and I wish I had a pink Princess Touchtone phone for the bedroom.
And on this subject of technology - we don't have Tivo, either - nor any other type of DVR. We have VCR's - all over the house, in fact. AND- we still use them EVERY day. Don't "they" ( by the way - who the heck are they, anyhow?) call people like us dinosaurs?? I have used my VCR's every day since the first day I got one in June of 1984, and I will continue to use them until the universe conspires against me to make it impossible, or I die - whichever comes first. And they said dinosaurs were extinct. Hmmph.


  1. Oh, that Simon and Garfunkel album really brings back the old days! It forever reminds me of you (and Tina). There's nothing like the songs from that album! I'm glad you had a safe drive back. Love, Deb

  2. My favorite: "What a dream I had, pressed in organdy, clothed in crinoline of smoky burgundy, softer than the rain... I wandered empty streets down past the shop displays. I heard cathedral bells, tripping down the alleyways, as I walked on. And when you ran to me, your cheeks washed with the night, we walked on frosted fields of juniper and lamplight. I held your hand. And when I awoke, and felt you warmly near, I kissed your honey hair whih my grateful tears. Oh I love you girl, oh how I love you!" I think that is the most romantic song I ever heard. Love T

  3. I forgot to comment on VCRs. I use mine constantly. I record almost all the shows I like on the regular stations, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, etc. and watch them at my leisure. I hope when everything changes to HDTV signals that they will still work, I haven't looked into that enough yet. My hubby bought me a DVD player for Christmas. I don't need it, I already have one I've never used as it is, it is the DVR I could use. I think he got confused about what I wanted. He never has even learned to program the VCR after all this time! The morning news show I watch seems to think no one uses VCRs anymore anywhere. I don't believe that is so. So far they still sell the tapes, at least in Raley's. What I would like to see "them" come out with is an inexpensive HGTV/DVR combo that would be like the TV/VCR combo that I use in our guest room and master bedroom. I am hoping for something like that by next year when the signals change. So if the people who think HGTV is so necessary for our TV survival are reading this, get busy and give us something nice and easy and inexpensive to replace our great old VCRs. (I have had a VCR since 1981, and I still have one that is from about 1984 and it still works!) Okay, climbing off of soapbox now. Love T

  4. I think you meant HDTV - HGTV is the Home and Garden network! Yes, I know we feel the same about the whole VCR situation! I like your idea of the HDTV/DVR combo. Sounds good to me.

  5. RE: Your favorite S&G song - Do you know that I cannot hear that song without thinking of you and that scrapbook. And it is, indeed, a very beautiful love song!

  6. Yes, I ALWAYS get HDTV and HGTV mixed up! I watch WAY too much HGTV! I just love "If Walls Could Talk". And my photo album is right here by me, I had to find it and look at it again after writing down the song. Photos of you in there at Apple Hill with the bee trying to get your candy apple: priceless. Love T

  7. I am sooo enjoying your blog!
    Just had to comment and tell you that I actually have (and use) that very phone in aqua!!! I love it sooo much! You can come see it pictured in some of my posts.
    Gotta keep reading more of your past posts!
